Frequently asked questions


What kind of computer help do you offer?

I help people with their computers, smartphones, and related devices. I provide a wide variety of help:

  • Troubleshooting and resolving problems
  • Designing, updating, and consulting on web sites
  • Teaching and coaching to improve skills and know-how
  • Setting up computers, printers and other devices

See the Services page for details.  

How do we work together?

Contact me for a free phone consultation, to explain your needs and discuss ways we can work together. Normally this will take 10-15 minutes. Send me an email or use the Contact page to schedule a consultation.

We can work over the phone, and I can use a remote access app to connect with your computer. I also make house calls  in the Raleigh-Durham-Chapel Hill area.

What devices and technology do you help with?

  • Windows computers
  • Mac computers
  • Tablets
  • Smartphones
  • Printers, WiFi, and related devices
  • Web sites
  • Social Media – Facebook and Twitter

How much do you charge?

  • $40 / half-hour, for phone consultation and remote access to your computer
  • $75 / hour 
  • $85 / hour for house calls within 10 miles of Cary
  • $25 minimum for quick questions and help up to 15 minutes

What value do you bring?

  • I bring you the benefit of my twenty-seven years of experience at IBM: analyzing software problems and providing customer support for Windows and Mac users.
  • I research computer issues every day, to ensure I offer you the most up-to-date solutions to your problems.
  • I encourage follow-up questions on any work I do for you.
  • You get my guarantee: your problem is resolved to your satisfaction, or I will take the additional steps to resolve it, free of charge.

What is your prior experience?

  • 27 years at IBM in North Carolina
    •  2014-2017 – Customer Support for social media, IBM Cloud division
    • 2011-2014 – Web Information Architect
    • 2003-2011 – Manager, Software Documentation
    • 2001-2003 – Marketing Lead, Software tools and customer support
    • 1998-2001 – Website Architect and content manager
    • 1997-1998 – Technical Writer
    • 1990-1997 – Technical Editor
  • Consultant,  providing technical writing seminars for corporations such as Exxon/Mobil, Prudential, and US West 1988-1990
  • Small businessman: founded and operated independent retail bookstore 1982 – 1988
  • College English Instructor and Visiting Lecturer, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill 1978 – 1986

Do you make a commission when you recommend software? 

No. I have no financial arrangements with any software company. That way, I can recommend the best software for your unique situation, without trying to “sell” you anything. 

What kinds of computer help do you not provide? 

I do not repair hardware, such as computers or printers. I do not remove computer viruses or other malware.